Trilogy Physical Therapy is a safe and welcoming environment where we want you to feel like you are at home. Trilogy Physical Therapy feels it is very important that you are comfortable and willing to speak for your wellbeing. Thank you for trusting Trilogy Physical Therapy to assist with your needs.
The first visit, also referred to as the consultation or evaluation visit, strives to understand your needs and concerns at a comfortable pace. Please expect questions regarding your wellbeing that may not seem relevant to the initial reason for your visit. However, in due time, we promise you will understand the connection by the end of the session.
During the first visit we will analyze the way your body may move, react to resistance and/or tolerate light touch. Please note that your verbal agreement will always be obtained before any touch occurs. Depending upon what your needs are, there may be a point in time that touch will be conducted over your clothes or skin to skin.
Dependent upon your needs, an internal assessment may also be warranted. Please note that a verbal and written consent is required prior to any internal assessment. An internal assessment is conducted with great respect for you as an individual. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please feel free to voice your concerns and we will stop the assessment.
Once the evaluation is completed, your goals will be reviewed. A mutual agreement for a care plan will then be decided. Likely there will be an activity and / or exercises provided for you to start on your new journey to achieve your goals.
Trilogy Physical Therapy again thanks you for trusting us with your personal wellbeing. We look forward to meeting and assisting you soon.